It's that time of year when we start to receive our long awaited new packages of bees. Although it may not look like the first picture above with snow all around, in my neck of the woods, it is not unheard of to have some snow when your bees arrive and for temperatures to be in the 30's! It is certainly not the ideal, but can be expected sometimes!
During my class this winter one of our guest speakers talked about installing package bees in 32 degrees. He did an experiment that I thought was very interesting. When he received his bees the outside temperature was 32 degrees. He put the bees on top of the frames, (not in the bottom of the hive) then placed a newspaper over the bees and covered with a hive body. He also put a thermometer inside the hive and checked the temperature a few hours later.
In just a few hours when he checked the temperature the thermometer showed 60 degrees! The bees had generated that much heat in just a short amount of time. The more I learn about these honeybees the more I am amazed at them! If you are interested in more information on this experiment there is a DVD available titled Package Bees in 32 Degrees.