Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Nature's Slideshow

On these long winter days we sometimes need something to break up the monotomy.  Even looking out the window doesn't help because usually all I see is snow and more snow and again snow predicted for Friday.  They are just saying a measurable amount but nothing else.  So what could that be?  This year it could be anywhere from 5 inches to 12 inches - just what is measurable?

So I am learning to be thankful for nature's little surprises.  I was working away at my computer and noticed some movement outside my window.  There to my surprise was a whole flock of turkeys just a few feet from me.  My camera just happened to be on my desk with the correct lens attached, so I slowly reached for it - knowing that turkeys have VERY keen eyesight I tried to make as little movement as possible.  I was able to get a couple of pictures before they began wandering off towards the timber.

As I continued take pictures, more joined them and it was great fun watching them.  After loading the pics on my computer the one that cracked me up was when it looks like they are walking on TOP of the fence - funny!  In short order they all flew up into the trees - probably to roost.  I was thankful for that little diversion in my day and even more thankful that I live in a warm house with food readily available.

If I knew where my husbands turkey call was it would have even been more fun to see if I could have gotten them to respond, but I am sure it was packed away somewhere I wouldn't even begin to think of.

I have seen that flock of turkeys many times, but never were they this close.  They really are pretty big birds!


  1. Hi Dee, it is always cool to discover another woman beekeeper, even if most of you are in the Northern Hemisphere !
    I live in New Zealand where it is hot and sunny at the moment - thank goodness for air con. I have a blog also called `Bees in the Antipodes`, pop in if you get a minute. I am getting into TopBar hives, have one very busy at the moment, plus a Langstroth, but am having 3 more TB`s built - I believe it is the way to go for hobbyists, such a gentle way to keep bees, plus you don`t need all the wood ware etc and there is no heavy lifting !
    I hope you stop getting all this cold weather soon !

  2. Hello Ngaio! I am a bit excited - you are my first blog follower - thank you! I cannot imagine such a wonderful climate where you live, I think it would be wonderful! I have never been more fascinated than I have by these bees. I just light up when around people who are as passionate about it as I am. I commented on your blog on your swarm picture - love it! I will have to look into the Top Bar Hives. We are using all Langstroth. My cousin who takes his bees to California for pollination in the winter says many of them are going to all supers instead of the deep hive bodies because it is much easier to lift 40 pounds than 80 pounds. As we expand, we plan to go that way also.

    I look forward to your blog posts and hearing about your adventures in the beeyard!


I would love to hear your comments and suggestions!