Monday, February 8, 2010

Term of Endearment

The most common term of endearment I have for my husband is "honey".  In fact it actually feels strange to call him by his first name!  I also have an affection for my honeybees and always try to find new ways to use that sweet, sticky substance we call honey.  It is much more than that bottle or jar that sits up in your cupboard hidden behind spices and sauces.  That is where my jar used to be, but now it is either right in front or left out on the counter, and gets refilled often!

  • My newest favorite is to sweeten grapefruit and all kinds of fruit instead of using sugar - fabulous!
  • I eat a lot of oatmeal during these cold, winter months and it is my favorite sweetener.
  • Blending honey in with butter makes a fantastic spread for just about anything!
  • If you happen to get stung while working your bees - apply some honey.
  • Have you ever tried using it to remove a fruit stain on your clothing?
  • If you need a quick boost of energy anytime during the day, honey can work just as well as caffeine.
  • This means energy without chemicals, but with healthy nutrients and vitamins!
  • And don't forget about honey in your skin care products - it absorbs and retains moisture and can help with those aging skin problems.
  • This wonderful product can be found all over the world - naturally!  With all the artificial sweeteners that have become so popular, I think why would I choose one of those over this "nectar of the gods" as Aristotle called it.

I would love to hear about your favorite and ususual ways you use your honey?!

Here is the honey from our first harvest that we saved back for ourselves for consuming, baking and anything else we can think of.  We were looking everywhere for jars and bottles to put it in!



1 comment:

  1. I love your collection of honey! For me, I love drizzling it on vanilla ice cream. It's super yummy, and we're planning on trying to incorporate it into our homemade vanilla next time we make some!


I would love to hear your comments and suggestions!